行业资讯 -凯发网站
the food enzyme, a maltogenic amylase (glucan 1,4‐α‐maltohydrolase; ec, is produced with a genetically modified escherichia coli strain blasc by advanced enzyme technologies ltd. the genetic modifications do not give rise to safety concerns. the food enzyme is free from viable cells of the production organism and recombinant dna. this maltogenic amylase is intended to be used in baking and brewing processes and starch processing for the production of glucose syrups. residual amounts of total organic solids (tos) are removed by the purification steps applied during the production of glucose syrups; consequently, dietary exposure was not calculated for this food process. for baking and brewing processes, based on the maximum use levels recommended for food processes and individual data from the efsa comprehensive european food database, dietary exposure to the food enzyme-tos was estimated to be up to 0.107 mg tos/kg body weight (bw) per day.
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