行业资讯 -凯发网站
following a notification from laura manzano outeiral (spain), submitted to the european commission under article 14 of regulation (eu) 2015/2283 to place on the market leaf powder of moringa stenopetala as a traditional food (tf) from a third country, and in line with article 15(2) of that regulation, efsa was asked by the european commission whether there are duly reasoned safety objections to the placing on the market of the tf within the european unio (eu)。 the approach of efsa for the evaluation of tf notifications is based on the efsa guidance for stakeholders on notifications for authorisation of tf and on the principles described in the relevant existing guidance documents from the efsa scientific committee. owing to the lack of information regarding the quality and quantity of undesirable substances potentially present in the tf and the absence of an exposure assessment, efsa cannot conclude whether or not the tf may pose a risk for human consumption at the proposed uses and use levels for the eu market. thus, efsa raises safety objections to the placing on the market within the eu of leaf powder of moringa stenopetala as tf.
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